
The Man from Nowhere (2010) Download - 720p / 480p - Jeong-beom Lee


Short-Line: An ex-special agent CHA Tae-sheik's only connection to the rest of the world is a little girl, So-mi, who lives nearby. Her mother, Hyo-Jeong smuggles drugs from a drug trafficking organization and entrusts Tae-shik with the product, without letting him know. The traffickers find out about her smuggling and kidnap both Hyo-Jeong and So-mi. The gang promises to release them if Tae-shik makes a delivery for them, however, it actually is a larger plot to eliminate a rival drug ring leader. When Hyo-jeon's disemboweled body is discovered, Tae-Shik realizes that So-mi's life may also be in danger. Tae-Shik becomes enraged at the prospect that So-mi may already be dead and prepares for a battle, putting his own life at risk.


  •  Name          : The Man from Nowhere
  •  Year            : 2010
  •  Type            : Hollywood
  •  Genres        : Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller
  •  IMDB          : 7.8
  •  Run-Time    : 1h 59m
  •  Country      : South Korea
  •  Language    : Korean, English
  •  Resolution  : 720p / 480p
  • Director by Jeong-beom Lee

 Note: If you have trouble downloading the movie or need a link to any movie, let us know in Telegram.

(মুভি ডাউনলোড করতে সমস্যা হলে অথবা যেকোন মুভির লিংক প্রয়োজন হলে আমাদের Telegram -এ জানাবেন।) 

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